The Hollingworth Center for Highly Gifted Children

 A National Volunteer Resource and Support Network for Highly Gifted Children, their Families, Schools and Communities

History of the Hollingworth Center

The Hollingworth Center is a national support and resource network focused on the needs of highly gifted children. A non-profit corporation, staffed by volunteers, the Center was founded in central Maine in 1983 by Kathi Kearney as a parent support group, in the belief that highly gifted children and their families need not feel isolated. The Center primarily serves as a clearinghouse of information and events concerning the needs of highly gifted children. The Center was named in honor of Dr. Leta Hollingworth, who conducted one of the first pioneering studies of exceptionally gifted children, their social/emotional needs and how best to educate them.

Who are the Highly Gifted?

 Highly gifted children tend to be those who demonstrate asynchronous development.  Due to their high cognitive abilities and high intensities they experience and relate to the world in unique ways.   These children are often found as a result of extremely high scores on an individually scored IQ tests, generally above the 140 IQ range.  Others may be prodigies in areas such as math, science, language and/or the arts.  Profoundly gifted children can score in excess of 170 IQ.

Highly gifted children demonstrate characteristics such as the extreme need to:
  –  learn at a much faster pace
  –  process material to a much greater depth
  –  show incredible intensity in energy, imagination, intellectual prowess, sensitivity, and emotion which are not typical in the general population.

The child of 160+ is as different from the child of 130 IQ as that child is different from the child of average ability.  Current research suggests that there may be higher incidence of children in this high range than previously thought.  Due to their unique characteristics, these children are particularly vulnerable.  Highly gifted children need a specialized advocacy because very little has been done to develop appropriate curriculum and non-traditional options for these children. 

For more on Highly Gifted Children, visit Hoagies’ Gifted Education Page on Highly, Exceptionally, and Profoundly Gifted Gifted •


The Center Provides…
Newsletter for parents and professionals
Information Packet with membership
Regional Support Groups for parents of highly gifted children
Annual National Conference held in Boston in May for highly gifted children and their parents. Clearinghouse for research and information on highly gifted people
Nationwide networking with other families of highly gifted children, professionals, schools and organizations having particular expertise with these children.
Regional workshops
Advocacy for the needs of highly gifted children in such organizations as NAGC (National Association for Gifted Children), Special Populations Division.
Hot Line for concerned individuals Hollingworth is currently undergoing a reorganization.
Please enjoy our web resources, and look for our conference and newsletter to return in the future. Thank you.

Membership Join us!

How Do I Become a Member?
Membership in the Hollingworth Center is open to all those who are interested in the support and encouragement of highly, exceptional and profoundly gifted children.
The Hollingworth Center is governed by a Board of Directors elected from the membership at the Annual Conference meeting. Membership includes the Newsletter and access to the resources and networking services available through the Center Membership $30 – 1 year $55 – 2 years $75 – 3 years $300 – Lifetime
Hollingworth is currently undergoing a reorganization. Please enjoy our web resources, and look for our conference and newsletter to return in the future. Thank you. Please wait 4-6 weeks for a reply To protect the privacy of families, the Hollingworth Center will not release its mailing list to any other organization for any reason.

2000 Conference Tapes

  2000 Conference session audio and (some) video tapes are available. Order directly from Fleetwood Multimedia (1999 tapes are also available) See the 2000 conference program for session details See the Audiotape Order Form for tape details

Hoagies’ Gifted Conferences

  Current list of gifted conferences for parents & educators