Highly Gifted Children Volume XII Number 2
Fall 1998
A publication of
The Hollingworth Center for Highly Gifted Children
Twice Exceptional Children
In this issue:
The Two-Edged Sword of Compensation: Theories to Build On? by Linda Kreger Silverman, Ph.D.
Asynchrony is magnified when high levels of intelligence are combined with disabilities…
Asynchrony and Mental Health: A Model for Understanding the Relationship by Marlo Payne Rice
In all children, regardless of their gifts and deficits, there must be a balance between their input of information, the level at which they are able to process that information, and the rate at which they can successfully demonstrate new learning…
Scholastic Gardens: A Look At My Academic Experience by Ben Cyr
I am a knowledge garderer. I plant thoughts and sow seeds of mental enlightenment…
Dyslexia and the Seeds of Genius by Ronald D. Davis and Abigail Marshall
When one thinks of genius, the inventive minds of Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, or Leonardo da Vinci typically come to mind…
An Anomaly: Parenting a Twice Exceptional Girl by Kiesa Kay
The letters leap and dance on the page, and it is only with the most painstaking effort that she can write at all.
A Profile of a Twice Exceptional Program: A Personal Journey by Dr. Dennis Higgins
…for an entire school year, I was to teach a full-time, self-contained program for twice exceptional children.
Special Ed. or Gifted? It May Be Hard To Tell by Susan Winebrenner
In spite of all the time spent… a child who is twice exceptional will probably be identified only for her disability and rarely for her strengths…
Call for Proposals: 12th Annual Hollingworth Center Conference, May 1 – 2, 1999
“Two Roads Diverged in a Wood, Who Am I and Where Am I Going?”